05 April 2018
The Katie Lentakis Memorial Fund Award 2018
The annual Katie Lentakis Memorial Fund Award announcement and call-to-action for final-year undergrad students to encourage them to submit their essays on a topic related to any Hellenic Studies field.
The annual Katie Lentakis Memorial Fund Award was established by the Anglo-Hellenic League in memory of the late Mrs Katie Lentakis, and was first awarded in 2002. Katie Lentakis (1920-2000) was a devoted member of the Anglo-Greek community of London for many years and Vice-Chairman of the Anglo-Hellenic League, who loved music and art - and had helped British soldiers to escape in Greece during World War II.
The Award is made to a final-year undergraduate studying in the Faculty of Arts & Humanities at King’s College London who submits an essay of 7,000-10,000 words on a topic related to any field of Hellenic Studies.
The essay, which may be work submitted for regular course assessment, should show excellence in knowledge and presentation of relevant material, and some originality of thought. It should be submitted in one clean hard copy to the Classics office (B3, North Wing, Strand Campus) by 16.00 on Friday 11 May 2018. An identical electronic copy should be sent by the same deadline to classics@kcl.ac.uk as an attachment, with the words ‘Lentakis submission’ in the header line.
A committee of experts established by the Director of the Centre for Hellenic Studies will choose the recipient of the Award.
The Award, which may be divided between more than one winner, will be to the value of £500.
The Award will be presented by the Chairman of the Anglo-Hellenic League during the Celebration of 100 Years of the Koraes Chair in the Great Hall, starting at 18.00 on Monday 18 June.