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Alexandra Rosie Paul

Dr Alexandra Rosie Paul

Postdoctoral Fellow


Dr Alexandra R. Paul is a Maplethorpe Research and Teaching Postdoctoral Fellow in Nanomedicine at King’s College London supervised by Prof Khuloud Al-Jamal. She is developing specifically targeted aptamers for nucleic acid delivery for brain cancer immunotherapy. She gained her Chemistry PhD in 2022 from the University of Kent, UK, supervised by Dr Christopher J. Serpell and Prof Michelle D. Garrett in collaboration with Centauri Therapeutics. Her PhD project established a new method for synthesising and screening large drug candidate libraries, accelerating drug discovery processes. It has provided new aptamer drug candidates/carriers to be used for cancer therapeutics. During her PhD she won a Royal Society of Chemistry Research Enablement Grant in support of her PhD project. She graduated with a First-Class Chemistry BSc from the University of Kent, in 2018, during which time she also worked at Rothamsted Research, UK on projects in the Biological Chemistry and Crop Protection Group. Dr Paul wishes to dedicate her future research career to designing and developing new cancer therapeutics and drug delivery processes.


Medicines Development

The Medicines Development Research Group develops novel materials, formulations, drug delivery devices, manufacturing, analytical, and digital technologies.


Medicines Development

The Medicines Development Research Group develops novel materials, formulations, drug delivery devices, manufacturing, analytical, and digital technologies.