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Andres Lopez Moreno

Mr Andres Lopez Moreno

PhD Student

Research interests

  • Physics


Andres is a PhD student working with the T2K and SK collaborations. He is currently exploring different ways of parametrising the amount of CP violation in the neutrino sector at the Oscillation Analysis group. He is particularly interested in how unitarity constraints might be used to improve our sensitivity for the Jarlskog Invariant. Andres received his MSci in Mathematics and Physics at the University of Bath, with a special interest in functional analysis, algebra and topology. His master's thesis was on explaining the evolution of galaxy cluster cores by studying their Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs). He is currently a Graduate Teaching Assistant.

Research Interests

  • Neutrino oscillations
  • Leptogenesis
  • Unitarity of the leptonic mixing matrix
  • Dark matter searches
  • Cosmological constraints on BSM neutrino models

PhD Supervisor

Principal supervisor: Professor Francesca di Lodovico


Experimental Particle and Astroparticle Physics Group
Experimental Particle & Astroparticle Physics

The aim of the EPAP group is to address some of the major open questions in our understanding of matter through the study of the nature of fundamental particles


Experimental Particle and Astroparticle Physics Group
Experimental Particle & Astroparticle Physics

The aim of the EPAP group is to address some of the major open questions in our understanding of matter through the study of the nature of fundamental particles