Andrew MacLeod
Visiting Professor
Research interests
- Conflict and security
- Human Rights
- Forensics
Andrew MacLeod is Chairman Emeritus of British based Griffin Law, Non-Executive Director of the Arabian Leopard Fund, founding Director of child protection charity Hear their Cries and a Vice Chancellor’s Distinguished Fellow at Deakin University amongst other activities.
Andrew MacLeod advises a number of companies on their stakeholder relations and external risks and has been a non-executive director on multiple companies across continents. He was a member of the Chatham House/ICRC Expert Panel on Humanitarian Negotiations with Non-State Armed Groups, was an Affiliate Senior Associate to the Center for Strategic International Studies in Washington DC, served on the Advisory Boards of the World Economic Forum’s Future of Civil Society Project Advisory Board, King's College Humanitarian Futures Project and the UN Expert Group on Responsible Business and Investment in High-Risk Areas.
His humanitarian activities included time as Chief of Operations of the UN Emergency Coordination Centre in Pakistan, where MacLeod negotiated a complex series of relationships that saw the Pakistan military, international NGOs, UN agencies, US military, UK military and non-state militant groups all playing a role in delivering a successful operation without casualties or conflict.
At the International Committee of the Red Cross Macleod served in the Balkans and Rwanda during the 1990s. He set up and ran Law of Armed Conflict training with military units in Rwanda and former Yugoslavia that resulted in a measurable decrease in civilian casualties.
Macleod holds a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws from Tasmania University, a Master of Laws from Southampton University, a Graduate Diploma in International Law from Melbourne University, is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has been elected as an Associate of King's College London (AKC).
Research interests
Research interests centre around identifying the scale of sexual exploitation and abuse, particularly of children, by aid workers, how to identify fathers with advanced DNA techniques, gain justice for victims and children and use extra-territorial criminal laws to gain appropriate prosecution.

The InterSEC:Action team review to understand the nature and scale of sexual exploitation in the aid industry and conduct a pilot study using genealogy
Project status: Ongoing

International Forensics
The international forensics group has a wide remit to look at evidence from international sources, providing data to support research in criminal justice.
Andrew MacLeod named 'Legal Hero' for work on overseas sexual exploitation
Professor Andrew MacLeod has been recognised by the Law Society for helping to bring justice to children born overseas who have been abandoned by their...

A summer of success for King's Forensics
King’s Forensics is an academic group within King’s College London that hosts a range of world-leading laboratories, including the Drug Control Centre: the...


Conversations with Strategy featuring Andrew MacLeod on Conflict, Security & Human Rights
Andrew Macleod will discuss his extensive humanitarian work in conflict settings
Please note: this event has passed.
Ukraine invasion: should Russia lose its seat on the UN Security Council?
ANDREW MACLEOD: In light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, should Russia lose its seat on the UN Security Council?

What does Putin want and what can the West do?
ANDREW MACLEOD: On the surface, one may be tempted to think what is happening in Ukraine is simple: a bully is picking on a small neighbour

Sharing our expertise and insights on the war on Ukraine
Researchers and academics in our Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy are using their expertise to inform discussion and debate around Russia’s invasion...

China, Britain and the Integrated Review
Andrew Macleod


The InterSEC:Action team review to understand the nature and scale of sexual exploitation in the aid industry and conduct a pilot study using genealogy
Project status: Ongoing

International Forensics
The international forensics group has a wide remit to look at evidence from international sources, providing data to support research in criminal justice.
Andrew MacLeod named 'Legal Hero' for work on overseas sexual exploitation
Professor Andrew MacLeod has been recognised by the Law Society for helping to bring justice to children born overseas who have been abandoned by their...

A summer of success for King's Forensics
King’s Forensics is an academic group within King’s College London that hosts a range of world-leading laboratories, including the Drug Control Centre: the...


Conversations with Strategy featuring Andrew MacLeod on Conflict, Security & Human Rights
Andrew Macleod will discuss his extensive humanitarian work in conflict settings
Please note: this event has passed.
Ukraine invasion: should Russia lose its seat on the UN Security Council?
ANDREW MACLEOD: In light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, should Russia lose its seat on the UN Security Council?

What does Putin want and what can the West do?
ANDREW MACLEOD: On the surface, one may be tempted to think what is happening in Ukraine is simple: a bully is picking on a small neighbour

Sharing our expertise and insights on the war on Ukraine
Researchers and academics in our Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy are using their expertise to inform discussion and debate around Russia’s invasion...

China, Britain and the Integrated Review
Andrew Macleod