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Bo-jiun Jing

Bo-jiun Jing

PhD student

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Jing Bo-jiun is a PhD Candidate in International Political Economy at the Department of European & International Studies. His research focuses on Taiwan’s foreign policy towards Southeast Asia, US-China-Taiwan relations, and the international relations of the Indo-Pacific.

His articles on Taiwan-Southeast Asia relations, the EU’s Indo-Pacific strategy, Taiwan’s cybersecurity policy, and cross-Strait relations have appeared on the National Bureau of Asian Research’s Brief Series, the Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, the Stimson Center’s Taiwan Security Brief, Wenti Yu Yanjiu (Issues and Studies), the Diplomat, the Straits Times, and the Bangkok Post.

He is the author of the monograph, 'Taiwan and Southeast Asia: Opportunities and constraints of continued engagement' (University of Maryland School of Law, 2016).

Bo-jiun previously worked as a Research Associate at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore and as an Associate Researcher at the Mainland Affairs Council in Taiwan. He holds an MA in International Relations from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and a BA in Political Science and Economics from National Taiwan University.


Thesis title: Economic Hedging Under the Radar? A Neoclassical Realist Analysis of Taiwan’s Foreign Policy towards Southeast Asia, 2008-2020

PhD supervision

Further details

See Bo-jiun's research profile