I am a behavioural scientist working in the field of genetic and genomic medicine. My work focuses on how patients and families relate to, communicate and make decisions around personal genetic information, and the subsequent behavioural, psychological and social outcomes. I have expertise in both qualitative and quantitative research methods including qualitative interviews and focus groups, observational work, and the development and validation of quantitative surveys and measures. Through my research I have worked with a range of key stakeholders including healthcare professionals and policy makers as well as patients, families and young people. My research combines academic scientific rigour with storytelling ability.

Prenatal ThERapy for SIckle CelL disEaSe (PERICLES)
To generate new knowledge about stakeholders' views on prenatal therapy for Sickle Cell Disease, identify ethical issues and establish protocols for support.
Project status: Ongoing

Prenatal ThERapy for SIckle CelL disEaSe (PERICLES)
To generate new knowledge about stakeholders' views on prenatal therapy for Sickle Cell Disease, identify ethical issues and establish protocols for support.
Project status: Ongoing