Charlotte is a PhD researcher in King’s College London’s Department of War Studies. Her thesis title is "The Archaeology of Cold War Intelligence: Material and Landscape Studies of the BRIXMIS Intelligence", whereby she applies archaeological methods and theories towards the study of military intelligence collection in former East Germany during the Cold War.
Since beginning her PhD, she has delved into intelligence studies within context of conflict archaeology. She is an active member of King's Intelligence and Security Group (KISG) and an experienced Graduate Teaching Assistant on the course ‘Intelligence in War Studies’.Her background is in archaeology, focusing on 20th century conflict. She has conducted large-scale research projects and fieldwork on the First World War and the Spanish Civil War. In her research of the First World War, she created a website to document findings and serve as an information and tourism platform for the public visiting the Western Front. Prior to this, Charlotte was the Assistant Supervisor with the Archaeology of Violence in Asturias Project, excavating and researching the Spanish Civil War in Asturias, Spain.
Research Interests
- Intelligence Culture
- Material and Landscape Studies
- Cold War Intelligence in Germany
- Conflict Archaeology
- Military/Archaeology relations
The Archaeology of Cold War Intelligence: Material and Landscape Studies of BRIXMIS Intelligence
This thesis applies an archaeological methodology to analyse the British Commanders’-in-Chief Mission to the Soviet Forces in Germany (BRIXMIS) and its intelligence collection efforts. Methods of artefact analysis, experimental archaeology, and landscape studies of mobility through rhythm analysis and observational chains are applied to the various material representing BRIXMIS—these include reconnaissance vehicles, kit equipment material, Soviet military sites, and the landscape of restricted zones enforced throughout East Germany. These methods allow for the reconstruction of a critical Cold War intelligence collection operation in a way not possible to do from archival records alone.
Professor Michael Goodman
Dr Tim Stephens

King's Centre for the Study of Intelligence
King's Centre for the Study of Intelligence provides a platform for sharing research and ideas in the field of intelligence.

King's Centre for the Study of Intelligence
King's Centre for the Study of Intelligence provides a platform for sharing research and ideas in the field of intelligence.