Cheng-Chia joined the Department of Political Economy (DPE) in October 2023. His primary interests lie in the ethics and justice of international relations, ranging from military and economic confrontations to formal interstate coalitions. He is now concentrating on the ethical issues concerning membership in interstate coalitions, examining the extent to which states should possess broadly unrestricted rights to form coalitions.
Before joining the department, Cheng-Chia served as an assistant research fellow at a public think tank in Taiwan, where he specialised in providing policy recommendations for enhancing the country’s co-operation with south-east and south Asian countries. He holds an MSc in International Political Theory from the University of Edinburgh (2018) and a BA in Diplomacy and French from National Chengchi University (2016).
Research interests
- Political Theories
- Ethics of War
- Global Distributive Justice
- International Relations
PhD supervisors
Dr Mollie Gerver and Dr Jonathan Leader Maynard

Political Theory Research Group
The political theory group covers many topics and approaches, and affirms the central importance of political economy to political theory.

Political Theory Research Group
The political theory group covers many topics and approaches, and affirms the central importance of political economy to political theory.