Claire is a PhD student in the Theoretical Particle Physics & Cosmology research group at King’s College London, supervised by Professor Eugene Lim and Doctor Francisco Rodríguez. She works on evanescent gravitational waves, at the interplay between photonics and gravity.
Claire holds an undergraduate degree and a master’s degree in Physics from the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL). She also holds a Master of Advance Studies in Applied Mathematics from the University of Cambridge (Part III).
Thesis title
Evanescent Gravitational Waves
Research interests
Gravitational Waves
Alternative theories of Gravity
Quantum Field Theory
InflationPhD supervisor
Principal supervisor: Professor Eugene Lim
Theoretical Particle Physics & Cosmology
The research focus of the TPPC Group is on tests of new models of particle physics beyond the Standard Model, including supersymmetry, large extra dimensions and strings.
Theoretical Particle Physics & Cosmology
The research focus of the TPPC Group is on tests of new models of particle physics beyond the Standard Model, including supersymmetry, large extra dimensions and strings.