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Costanza  Margiotta Broglio

Professor Costanza Margiotta Broglio

Senior Fellow


Costanza Margiotta Broglio is Associate Professor in Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory at the University of Padua (Dep. of Political Science, Law, and International Studies), where she teaches “Philosophy of Law”, “Citizenships and Fundamental Rights” and “Human rights and International Justice”. She holds a Ph.D. in Legal Theory from the European University Institute (Florence). Her background is both philosophical (Degree in Philosophy University of Bologna) and legal (Law Faculty Université de Paris X– Nanterre, DEA de Théorie Générale & Philosophie du droit). She was a Post-doctoral Fellow at Istituto di Scienze Umane (Florence-Naples); Research Fellow at the Law Faculty, University of Parma; Research Fellow at Political Science Department, University of Bologna.

Costanza has been visiting at Tucson University; at ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles); at the University of Deusto (Bilbao), at Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (EUI, Florence). She is the author of three books and numerous articles, among them: La lotta per la certezza: Codificazione e interpretazione del diritto internazionale (Giapichelli, 2023: The fight for certainty: codification and interpretation of International Law); L’ultimo diritto. Profili storici e teorici della secessione (Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005, The Ultimate Right. Historical and theoretical profiles of secession), which was awarded the Essays International Prize "Salvatore Valitutti", XIII Edition (2006), and “Cittadinanza europea. Istruzioni per l’uso” (Roma, Laterza, 2014, “European Citizenship: Instructions for use”). In addition, Costanza has edited several books between which “Europe: Eu-crisis law and the Crisis of Law. Austerity, Rights, Citizenship” (Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018) and with Carlos Closa and Giuseppe Martinico, Between Democracy and Law. The Amorality of Secession, Routledge, 2019. She is Associate Editor of the journals «Filosofia politica» and «Ars Interpretandi» and member of the Editorial staff of the Journal «Ragion Pratica» .

Specialised in philosophy of law, Costanza's interests include interpretation and codification of international law, European citizenship and Fundamental Rights, Secession in International Law, Slavery and Non- Discrimination Law. Her latest research explores interpretation in international law and its codification in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. During her stay at CIGAD she will focus on the interpretive practices of international courts and tribunals mainly because of their potential use in addressing the phenomenon of fragmentation of international law.



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Centre for International Governance and Dispute Resolution (CIGAD)

Bringing together academics, policymakers and practitioners working in the areas of international law and dispute resolution to help tackle global challenges.


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Centre for International Governance and Dispute Resolution (CIGAD)

Bringing together academics, policymakers and practitioners working in the areas of international law and dispute resolution to help tackle global challenges.