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Dionysios Anninos

Professor Dionysios Anninos

Professor of Theoretical Physics

Research interests

  • Mathematics


Dionysios graduated from Cornell University, and obtained his PhD at Harvard University under the supervision of Professor Andrew Strominger. After that he held research positions at Stanford University, the Institute for Advanced Study, and was the Delta ITP fellow at the University of Amsterdam. In 2018 he was awarded a University Research Fellowship from the Royal Society and moved to King’s College London.

Research interests

Dionysios’ research lies at the interface of black hole physics, cosmology and the gauge/gravity duality. An important goal of Dionysios' research is to extend modern ideas such as the AdS/CFT correspondence to a more general class of spacetimes. These include spacetimes experiencing an accelerated phase of expansion, including those describing our own Universe during its early and late time cosmological epochs. The models and mathematical tools Dionysios applies in his research include higher spin gauge theories, matrix models, conformal field theory, Euclidean quantum gravity, lower dimensional models, and the theory of disorder and glassiness. One of Dionysios' research aims to construct and develop simplified models of cosmological spacetimes that exhibit enhanced mathematical control. In turn, such models can be studied throughout regimes where standard tools describing physical phenomena at low energies or large scales, such as effective field theory, need to be replaced.

Further information


    Theoretical Physics
    Theoretical Physics

    The group is at the forefront of research in supersymmetry, string and M- theory and related areas.


    Dr Teresa Bautista awarded Silver at STEM for Britain 2022

    Teresa was awarded the silver medal for her presentation on “Mathematical microscopy into our expanding universe” at Parliament’s annual poster competition.

    Teresa Bautista and colleagues

    King's mathematician awarded Stephen Hawking fellowship

    Dr Damián Galante awarded prestigious fellowship

    Damian Galante

    Dr Damián Galante strikes Bronze for theoretical physics display in Parliament

    In recognition for the excellence of his research in theoretical physics, Dr Damián Galante, Research Associate at the Department of Mathematics, has been...

    Damian Galante and his bronze medal award



    GenHET meeting in String Theory

    The meeting will include scientific talks that cover recent progress in string theory

    Please note: this event has passed.


      Theoretical Physics
      Theoretical Physics

      The group is at the forefront of research in supersymmetry, string and M- theory and related areas.


      Dr Teresa Bautista awarded Silver at STEM for Britain 2022

      Teresa was awarded the silver medal for her presentation on “Mathematical microscopy into our expanding universe” at Parliament’s annual poster competition.

      Teresa Bautista and colleagues

      King's mathematician awarded Stephen Hawking fellowship

      Dr Damián Galante awarded prestigious fellowship

      Damian Galante

      Dr Damián Galante strikes Bronze for theoretical physics display in Parliament

      In recognition for the excellence of his research in theoretical physics, Dr Damián Galante, Research Associate at the Department of Mathematics, has been...

      Damian Galante and his bronze medal award



      GenHET meeting in String Theory

      The meeting will include scientific talks that cover recent progress in string theory

      Please note: this event has passed.