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Eleanor Stevens

Eleanor Stevens

Research Associate


Eleanor Stevens is a Research Associate in the Department of Population Health Sciences, which sits within the School of Life Course & Population Sciences at King's College London


    Stroke in Sierra Leone

    Stroke in Sierra Leone (SISLE) is a research group aiming to improve outcomes for stroke patients in Sierra Leone.

    Stroke Research Group thumbnail 780×440
    Stroke Research Group

    We are a multidisciplinary group (epidemiologists, stroke physicians, GPs, social scientists, statisticians, health informaticians and health economists) focused on stroke and with a wider interest in vascular long-term conditions and analytics.

    Improving the lives of stroke survivors with data

    We aim to improve the lives of stroke survivors through a programme of stakeholder engagement, data collection, analysis and modelling, and use in practice.

    Project status: Ongoing


      Stroke in Sierra Leone

      Stroke in Sierra Leone (SISLE) is a research group aiming to improve outcomes for stroke patients in Sierra Leone.

      Stroke Research Group thumbnail 780×440
      Stroke Research Group

      We are a multidisciplinary group (epidemiologists, stroke physicians, GPs, social scientists, statisticians, health informaticians and health economists) focused on stroke and with a wider interest in vascular long-term conditions and analytics.

      Improving the lives of stroke survivors with data

      We aim to improve the lives of stroke survivors through a programme of stakeholder engagement, data collection, analysis and modelling, and use in practice.

      Project status: Ongoing