Dr Felipe Botelho Correa is a leading global cultural studies scholar with a focus on Brazil, Latin America, and the Global South more broadly. His current research explores the global history of anti-racism.
He is the founding director of the pioneering online MA in Global Cultures, a flagship programme of the Faculty of Arts & Humanities. This programme bridges theory and practice, allowing professionals and students worldwide to explore topics such as race, gender, cultural identity, and migration, while addressing real-world practices such as Diversity & Inclusion, Leadership, and Global Communication.
Dr Correa is the author and editor of several influential books, including "Lima Barreto: Sátiras e Outras Subversões" (Penguin-Companhia das Letras), which was selected as one of the 10 best books published in Brazil in 2016 by O Globo and the São Paulo Association of Art Critics.
His expertise in cultural history and anti-racism has made him a regular contributor to prominent publications like Revista Piauí and a speaker at global forums, including the Paraty International Literary Festival (Flip) and the Brazilian Academy of Letters (ABL). He has held visiting fellowships at Princeton University and the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and has presented his work at universities across the US, Brazil, and Mozambique.
He was the Chief Editor of Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies (2018–2023) and is an affiliate of the King’s Brazil Institute and the King's Global Cultures Institute.
He holds an MPhil and BA in Communication Studies (PUC-Rio), integrating aspects of both social sciences and the humanities. He completed a PhD in Modern Languages at the University of Oxford (Wolfson College) as a Clarendon Scholar before joining King’s in 2013.
Research interests and PhD supervision
Dr Correa has supervised numerous PhD theses at King’s College London, as well as hosted visiting PhD students from overseas (Harvard University and Fundação Getúlio Vargas). His supervision covers a diverse range of topics, including literature, music, and print culture from the South Atlantic World, with a specialized focus on Brazil and Latin America.
He welcomes applications from prospective doctoral students interested in pursuing research related to:
- Afro-Brazilian and/or Afro-Latin-American cultures
- Global history of anti-racism
- Brazilian Cultural Studies
- Race and anti-racism in Brazil
- Periodical print culture and its global history
Some examples of past and current supervisions:
- Women transforming gendered equality, leadership, and resistance in global capoeira.
- Voices from the Past: A Linguistic and Literary Investigation into the Bantu Ancestry and Oral Tradition through the Short Fictional Works of José Luandino Vieira, Arnaldo Santos and Ana Paula Tavares
- Photography, Identity and Feminism in Estampa (1928-38): Mainstreaming the 'mujer moderna'
- Lyricism in the Brazilian Novel
- Intertextual Appropriations of Eça Queirós in Contemporary Fiction [working title]
- The status of Brazil from the perspective of great powers- Interventions to Sites of Colonial Memory: Countering a Celebratory Narrative of Imperialism Within Portugal’s Urban Public Spaces (2017-2020)
- A Question of Socio-political Configuration. Artistic Practices in Community, Culture and Public Spaces
From race to music to literature to visual culture to history, Felipe has taught a wide range of Arts & Humanities modules at postgraduate and undergraduate programmes that reflect his interdisciplinary expertise.
Expertise and public engagement
A selection of media coverage of his research can be found in the links below:
- https://piaui.folha.uol.com.br/colaborador/felipe-botelho-correa/
- https://oglobo.globo.com/cultura/livros/pesquisador-identifica-164-textos-de-lima-barreto-assinados-com-pseudonimos-19795797
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piu7fsgvSig
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7n2--L-kYY&feature=share
- http://tvbrasil.ebc.com.br/sem-censura/2017/07/igualdade-racial-e-destaque-no-sem-censura
- https://monocle.com/radio/shows/the-monocle-weekly/423/frederick-bernas/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKt1lzTsu9s
- https://www.latinolife.co.uk/articles/sum-tribes
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Na882eVWF0A
- https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/ilustrada/2016/08/1799359-ineditos-centenarios-de-lima-barreto-ja-denunciavam-vicios-da-atual-politica.shtml
- https://oglobo.globo.com/cultura/livros/lima-barreto-os-paulistas-entre-admiracao-decepcao-brigas-21620011
- http://www.revistacontinente.com.br/coberturas/flip-2017/para-onde-vai-lima-barreto-depois-da-flip-2017r
Selected publications
- Anti-racismo: uma breve história global (Zahar, forthcoming 2025).
- Magazines and Modernity in Brazil: Transnational Networks and Cross-Cultural Exchanges (co-edited with Monica Velloso and Valeria Guimaraes). London: Anthem Press, 2020.
- Cronicas da Bruzundanga: a literatura militante de Lima Barreto. Sao Paulo: e-galaxia, 2017.
- Satiras e outras subversoes: textos ineditos de Lima Barreto. Sao Paulo: Penguin-Companhia das Letras, 2016.

Culture, society and identities
This research group analyses Brazilian culture and how class, regional, gender, racial and ethnic identities are expressed

Culture, society and identities
This research group analyses Brazilian culture and how class, regional, gender, racial and ethnic identities are expressed