Professor Tracey German
Professor in Conflict and Security
Research interests
- Conflict
- History
- International relations
- Policy
- Politics
- Security
Tracey German is a Professor of Conflict and Security in the Defence Studies Department and a Senior Associate Fellow at RUSI. Her research focuses on Russian foreign and security policies, particularly Russia’s use of force, and how its neighbours have responded, as well as Russian strategic culture and military thought. She speaks Russian and has travelled extensively across the post-Soviet area.
Research Interests
- Russian foreign and security politics
- Russian views of the changing character of conflict
- Russian strategic culture and its use of force in the post-Soviet era
- Conflict and security in the Caucasus and Caspian regions
Her current research explores Russian views of the changing character of conflict and what lessons Russia has drawn from Western military activity over the past two decades.
Research Articles
- ‘Russia and the South Caucasus: The China Challenge’, Europe-Asia Studies, May 2022, DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2022.2071843
- Harnessing Protest Potential: Russian strategic culture and the coloured revolutions’, Contemporary Security Policy, May 2020 DOI: 10.1080/13523260.2020.1757251
- ‘A legacy of conflict: Kosovo, Russia and the West’, Comparative Strategy, Vol 38, No 5, October 2019, DOI: 10.1080/01495933.2019.1653040
- ‘Re-visioning war and the state in the twenty-first century’, guest editor of International Affairs special issue, Vol 95, No 4, July 2019, pp. 759-764
- ‘The (re)-politicisation of international relations in the post-Soviet space’, East European Politics, May 2019, DOI: 10.1080/21599165.2019.1614920
- ‘NATO and the enlargement debate: enhancing Euro-Atlantic security or inciting confrontation?’, International Affairs, Vol. 93, No. 2, March 2017, pp. 291-308
- Russia and the Changing Character of Conflict (Cambria Press, 2023)
- Georgia’s Foreign Policy: Diplomacy, Strategy and Regional Power in the Caucasus (London: Bloomsbury, 2022). Edited with Kornely Kakachia and Stephen Jones
Book chapters
- ‘Learning the wrong lessons: Russian views of the changing character of conflict’ in Marc Ozawa (ed.) War changes everything: Russia after Ukraine. NDC Research Paper No. 28 (February 2023), NATO Defence College: Rome, pp. 39-48.
- ‘NATO partners: Georgia and Ukraine’ in Handbook on the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming)
- ’Russia-Chechnya: from National Liberation to Deterrence Stability’ in Deterring Terrorism: A Model for Strategic Deterrence (New York: Routledge, 2018), pp. 159-180. ISBN 978-1-138-24060-5
- ’Pipeline Politics: the South Caucasus and European energy security’ in The South Caucasus – Security, Energy and Europeanisation (Abingdon: Routledge, 2018), pp. 181-195. ISBN 978-1-138-85863-3
- ‘Russia's Energy Power’ in Assessing Russia's Power: a report. Natasha Kuhrt & Valentina Feklyunina (eds.), 2017. p. 25-28.
- ‘Security challenges at the EU’s Eastern border – what role for CSDP?’, In-depth Analysis, January 2022, commissioned by the European Parliament, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/IDAN/2022/653653/EXPO_IDA(2022)653653_EN.pdf
Tracey German PURE Profile

Economic Conflict & Competition Research Group
The ECCRG aims to be an academic centre of excellence for developing sustained, inter-disciplinary research on the study of Economic Warfare.
King's brings experts together to discuss the geopolitical impact of the War in Ukraine
The School of Security Studies at King's College London hosted the 60th Conflict Research Society Conference, an annual event that brings together experts to...

Sharing our expertise and insights on the war on Ukraine
Researchers and academics in our Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy are using their expertise to inform discussion and debate around Russia’s invasion...


A different kind of nuclear weapon: Russian abuse of Ukrainian nuclear power plants
Dr Ross Peel explores the events at the Zaporizhzhia power plant since Russian military forces took control.
Please note: this event has passed.
Sharing our expertise and insights on the war on Ukraine
Researchers and academics in our Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy are using their expertise to inform discussion and debate around Russia’s invasion...

What did Russia learn about the West from its previous military manoeuvres?
TRACEY GERMAN: The change in the approach of Russia's invasion of Ukraine reflects lessons they learnt from previous military operations.

Russia: Biden brings a new US challenge to Putin's backyard
Putin's muted reaction to Joe Biden's victory is a stark contrast to that of his political opponent Alexei Navalny

Despite election victory last week there may be challenges ahead for the Putin Government
Putin’s popularity is taking a knock as Russians focus on domestic concerns away from foreign affairs amid the Covid-19 crisis.


Economic Conflict & Competition Research Group
The ECCRG aims to be an academic centre of excellence for developing sustained, inter-disciplinary research on the study of Economic Warfare.
King's brings experts together to discuss the geopolitical impact of the War in Ukraine
The School of Security Studies at King's College London hosted the 60th Conflict Research Society Conference, an annual event that brings together experts to...

Sharing our expertise and insights on the war on Ukraine
Researchers and academics in our Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy are using their expertise to inform discussion and debate around Russia’s invasion...


A different kind of nuclear weapon: Russian abuse of Ukrainian nuclear power plants
Dr Ross Peel explores the events at the Zaporizhzhia power plant since Russian military forces took control.
Please note: this event has passed.
Sharing our expertise and insights on the war on Ukraine
Researchers and academics in our Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy are using their expertise to inform discussion and debate around Russia’s invasion...

What did Russia learn about the West from its previous military manoeuvres?
TRACEY GERMAN: The change in the approach of Russia's invasion of Ukraine reflects lessons they learnt from previous military operations.

Russia: Biden brings a new US challenge to Putin's backyard
Putin's muted reaction to Joe Biden's victory is a stark contrast to that of his political opponent Alexei Navalny

Despite election victory last week there may be challenges ahead for the Putin Government
Putin’s popularity is taking a knock as Russians focus on domestic concerns away from foreign affairs amid the Covid-19 crisis.