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Jessica Jepps

Jessica Jepps BSc

Research Assistant




I joined KCL as a Research Assistant in July 2022. I completed my degree in BSc Clinical and Community Psychology at the University of East London in 2021 and completed my MSc Mental Health: Psychological Therapies at Queen Mary University of London in 2022. Prior to working at KCL I worked as an Honorary NHS Researcher for East London NHS Foundation Trust during my third year of undergraduate study. During my MSc studies I worked as a Social Prescribing Link Worker for Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust. My first role at KCL involved working on the Body Worn Cameras mixed-methods pilot study and chairing a Lived Experience Advisory Panel. My current role at KCL involves working on the RECOLLECT study, investigating the efficacy of Recovery Colleges.

I am pursuing a career in Clinical Psychology and have applied for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.

Research Interests

  • Mental health
  • Mental health treatment
  • Inpatient services


Centre for Implementation Science

The Centre for Implementation Science is home to a team of expert implementation and improvement science researchers, including health economists and statisticians. This team are investigating how best to help ‘implement’ evidence-based practice and clinical research within health services nationally and internationally.


Centre for Implementation Science

The Centre for Implementation Science is home to a team of expert implementation and improvement science researchers, including health economists and statisticians. This team are investigating how best to help ‘implement’ evidence-based practice and clinical research within health services nationally and internationally.