Dr John Erdos
Emeritus Reader in Mathematics
Research interests
- Mathematics
Contact details
John Erdos graduated with First Class Honours from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He was awarded a scholarship for postgraduate study at Cambridge and obtained his PhD there in 1964. He was on the staff of Glasgow University for two years and came to King's College London as a Lecturer in 1966. He was promoted to Reader in 1985 and held the position of Head of the Mathematics Department from 1997 to 2001. During his career he had visiting positions at the University of Illinois, the University of British Columbia and the University of Crete. After retiring he continued to teach courses until 2006, completing a full 40 years’ service at King’s.
Dr Erdos was the Librarian of the London Mathematical Society and was a member of its Council for ten years. His many other contributions to the mathematical community include serving on the Joint Mathematical Council, the Euromath Co-ordinating Committee and the Quality Assurance Agency Panel for establishing the benchmark for mathematics degrees.
He was active in popularising mathematics and gave many talks to schools and other groups. In 2000 he organised a two-day Summer School at King’s for sixth formers on Numbers and Codes, with a stellar array of contributors, notably the Fields medallist, Professor Sir Timothy Gowers, FRS.
Dr Erdos’ research activities were in the field of analysis. Soon after his arrival at King’s he established the Intercollegiate Modern Analysis Seminar which continues to thrive to the present day. He has supervised seven PhD students and published thirty-five research papers.
Research Interests
- Non-self-adjoint operator algebras
- Operator Theory
- Functional analysis
- Basis theory