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Kevin Lano

Dr Kevin Lano

Reader in Software Engineering

  • Editor of the Software Systems Modelling Journal

Research interests

  • Computer science


Research Interests

  • Safety critical systems
  • Model-driven development
  • Model transformation
  • UML

Public engagement

More Information


    sustainable ai_st_1428308240 copy
    Sustainability Hub

    The Sustainability Hub consolidates the research related to sustainability

    FEATURE Finance
    Finance (Informatics)

    The Finance Hub conducts fundamental and applied research at the intersection of finance and computation, a sector which is colloquially known as FinTech.

    ARTICLE Code
    Software Systems

    The group studies design, modelling and engineering of software systems.


      sustainable ai_st_1428308240 copy
      Sustainability Hub

      The Sustainability Hub consolidates the research related to sustainability

      FEATURE Finance
      Finance (Informatics)

      The Finance Hub conducts fundamental and applied research at the intersection of finance and computation, a sector which is colloquially known as FinTech.

      ARTICLE Code
      Software Systems

      The group studies design, modelling and engineering of software systems.