Research worker/PhD student on the BIPP study (Brain, Immunity and Psychopathology following Very Preterm Birth study).
I have a Neuroscience (BSc) and Psychiatric Research (MSc) background. I am particularly interested in identifying predictive biomarkers of mental health outcomes and trajectories using neuroimaging and machine learning approaches.
Research Interests
- Investigating underlying functional connectivity alterations associated with socio-emotional difficulties following very preterm birth
- Identifying distinct behavioural and neurobiological subgroups of preterm children using machine learning clustering analyses in order to parse heterogeneity not captured by diagnosis driven labels.

BIPP Study
The BIPP Study is a longitudinal follow-up study of brain development and childhood outcomes following very preterm birth, led by Professor Chiara Nosarti.
Project status: Ongoing

Neurodevelopment and Mental Health Group
The Neurodevelopment and Mental Health group works with the Centre for the Developing Brain, to study how developmental changes in the brain affect cognitive and behavioural outcomes in developing individuals.

BIPP Study
The BIPP Study is a longitudinal follow-up study of brain development and childhood outcomes following very preterm birth, led by Professor Chiara Nosarti.
Project status: Ongoing

Neurodevelopment and Mental Health Group
The Neurodevelopment and Mental Health group works with the Centre for the Developing Brain, to study how developmental changes in the brain affect cognitive and behavioural outcomes in developing individuals.