Professor Lars Holmberg
Emeritus Professor
Lars Holmberg is Professor Emeritus in Cancer Epidemiology at School of Cancer and Pharmaceutical Sciences, King’s College London and at Medical Faculty, University of Uppsala Sweden. Prof Holmberg was recruited to KCL in 2007 to head up an epidemiology group. In 2011, Prof Holmberg also took up the leadership for a Regional Cancer Center in Uppsala, Sweden jointly with his appointment at KCL. Prof Holmberg holds after his retirement in 2016 grants for breast-, prostate- and urinary bladder cancer research and mentors younger colleagues in cancer epidemiology. Prof Holmberg has published more than 350 original articles and 80 reviews and commentaries.

Transforming cancer OUtcomes through Research
The Transforming cancer OUtcomes through Research (TOUR) team aims to turn science into better healthcare by translating uro-oncology research into medical practice.

Transforming cancer OUtcomes through Research
The Transforming cancer OUtcomes through Research (TOUR) team aims to turn science into better healthcare by translating uro-oncology research into medical practice.