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Louis Ezeilo

Dr Louis Ezeilo

Lecturer in Economics, DPE

Contact details


I am a seasoned administrator, highly motivated, organized and enthusiastic.

I hold Bachelors Degrees in Philosophy (B.Phil) and Theology (BD) from the Pontifical Urban University Rome, Italy; BA Religious Studies Imo State, Nigeria; Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) Economics, University of Lagos, Nigeria; Master of Business Administration (MBA), University of Calabar, Nigeria; MA Economics and PhD Economics, University of Leeds, United Kingdom.

My teaching experiences have seen me through Leeds University Business School as a teaching assistant (2011 – 2017) where I delivered lectures and seminars on a number of Economics Modules as well as offering supervision help desk for undergraduate students in dissertations.

In December 2020, I moved to De Montfort University International College, Leicester; where I taught Business Functions and was module leader for Business and Economics Module.

In June 2021, I joined the University of Greenwich International college as a lecturer in Economics and Business Management.

In September 2021, I moved to King’s College London to be part of the Department of Political Economy, where I currently lecture on these Economics Modules – Principles of Economics, Microeconomics and Quantitative Methods.

Research interests

The key areas of my research and teaching interests are generally in the fields of International Business Management, Development Economics, Labour Economics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and particularly in the areas of poverty, inequality and Economic growth. I work on the conceptualization, debates, measurement, and reduction of poverty. My interests are highly focused on the issues of poverty and how to create an inclusive environment for a better economic and human development especially with reference to Africa.


4SSPP105 Principles of Economics

5SSPP221 Microeconomics

PhD supervision

Based on my research interests

Latest publications

  • Ezeilo, L. N., (2022) “Transparency: A Guide to Practicing good Business Ethics in Nigeria”, Journal of Business and Strategic Management, 7(2), pp. 85–98. doi: 10.47941/jbsm.947.
  • Ezeilo L.N., (2021) “Dynamisms in the understanding and conceptualisation of poverty in Nigeria”: KIU Journal of Humanities, Vol 6. No2, June 2021 View of Dynamisms in the Understanding and Conceptualisation of Poverty in Nigeria (
  • Ezeilo L.N., (2021) “The Journey of the Naira Value: An Economist insight into Nigerian Economy in the Last Five Decades” in A Great half a Century, 1971-2021: Politics, Religion, Economics and Post Civil War Developments in Nigeria, Edited by Azuakor P.O et al., Onitsha: Justin’s Media press, pp.68-77.
  • Ezeilo L N., (2018) “Building Democracy in the Context of Poverty”, in Okwadike: Nigeria-Democracy and State of the Economy, Edited by Akaolisa et al. Gipi Publications, Abuja, Pp 267-289.
  • Ezeilo L. N., (2017) Who is poor and why? A conceptual pluralism approach to poverty in Nigeria, Gipi Publications Abuja


Upcoming general election in Nigeria 'will not be business as usual'

Many are predicting 2023 as the year that will determine much of the political, economic and social future of Nigeria.



Upcoming general election in Nigeria 'will not be business as usual'

Many are predicting 2023 as the year that will determine much of the political, economic and social future of Nigeria.
