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Margaryta Klymak

Dr Margaryta Klymak


Research interests

  • Economics
  • International development


Margaryta joined the Department of International Development in December 2023 after working as a Departmental Lecturer and College Fellow in Economics at the University of Oxford. She grew up in Ukraine and obtained an undegraduate degree in Kyiv before completing her MSc in Economics at the University of Edinburgh and her PhD in Economics in Trinity College Dublin in 2019. Margaryta also interned at UNU-WIDER and worked as a consultant for the World Bank.

Margaryta's research lies at the intersection of development economics, public economics and political economy, with a particular interest in government-firm interactions and labour market dynamics in middle-income and developing counties.


  • Development economics
  • Public economics
  • Political economy
  • Public procurement
  • Child and forced labour

Margaryta's current research agenda is focused on public procurement in Ukraine before and during the war. Her research has been published in journals such as World Development and Economics Letters and has been cited by major newspapers such as the Financial Times and the Telegraph.

You can access Margaryta's publications here.


 7YYD0025 Advanced Quantitative Methods for Causal Inference

PhD Supervision

Margaryta would be happy to supervise PhD students in applied microeconomics.

The publication feed is not currently available.


Banking and Finance
Global Production, Finance and Labour research group

A multidisciplinary research group dealing with global production, labour, money and finance within the Department of International Development at the School of Global Affairs, King's College London.

Economics and finance and Strategic Entrepreneurship
Technology, Innovation, and Economic Development research group

The Technology, Innovation, and Development Research Group explores the role of cutting-edge technologies in International Development.



Workshop on the economics and politics of migration 2022

The third annual European Bank for Reconstruction and Development & King’s College London Workshop on the Economics and Politics of Migration

Please note: this event has passed.

The publication feed is not currently available.


Banking and Finance
Global Production, Finance and Labour research group

A multidisciplinary research group dealing with global production, labour, money and finance within the Department of International Development at the School of Global Affairs, King's College London.

Economics and finance and Strategic Entrepreneurship
Technology, Innovation, and Economic Development research group

The Technology, Innovation, and Development Research Group explores the role of cutting-edge technologies in International Development.



Workshop on the economics and politics of migration 2022

The third annual European Bank for Reconstruction and Development & King’s College London Workshop on the Economics and Politics of Migration

Please note: this event has passed.