Mateusz Hess
PhD Student
Research interests
- Chemistry
Matt completed his BSc in Biochemistry in 2019 at Royal Holloway, University of London. His undergraduate thesis focused on protein engineering of SNARE complexes under the supervision of Dr Mikhail Soloviev. In 2019 he joined Dr Paul Devlin's lab at Royal Holloway for his MSc by Research, where he analysed plant endophytic microbiomes using Next Generation Sequencing and Machine Learning jointly with PrepWorld Ltd. Matt was associated with SporeGen Ltd. from 2019-2020 as a research scientist, where he worked on the development of Bacillus based therapeutics for Clostridium difficile infections and development of a mucosal vaccine for COVID-19. Matt joined the Müller lab in autumn 2020, where he is set to investigate the effects of PTMs on folding and binding kinetics of a transcription factor, in collaboration with the Politis lab and Fluidic Analytics (Cambridge).
Research interests:
- Native Chemical Ligation
- Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis
- Protein Structural Dynamics
- Microfluidic Diffusive Sizing
- Chemical Biology
PhD supervision
Principal Supervisor: Dr Manuel Müller
Thesis title
Effects of postranslational modifications on structural dynamics of p53 and its binding to protein and nucleic partners
Müller Group
Research in the Müller lab focuses on using synthetic protein chemistry to elucidate how proteins are controlled by post-translational modifications.
Müller Group
Research in the Müller lab focuses on using synthetic protein chemistry to elucidate how proteins are controlled by post-translational modifications.