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Nick Mitchell

Nick Mitchell

Senior Associate


Mr. Nick Mitchell is a Senior Associate at Project Alpha, King’s College London, working at King’s since 2012, focusing mainly on outreach to UK exporters of proliferation sensitive equipment and technologies.

Prior to this, he worked in the Department of Trade and Investment in the UK for 33 years, and exclusively on non-proliferation, counter proliferation and export control work since 1989. Mr. Mitchell chaired the Government’s main committee which co-ordinated the enforcement of export controls, having firsthand experience of implementing UN Sanctions against Iraq, collaboration with international partners, working with Customs to enforce controls, but also with business to help them avoid becoming unwitting suppliers to WMD programmes.

After 18 months on counter-proliferation awareness, Nick spent 3 years on nuclear non-proliferation work, co-ordinating the UK’s policies and support in respect of the IAEA, such as nuclear safeguards and nuclear security. He also negotiated for the UK at the NPT in New York and Geneva and at meetings of the Nuclear Suppliers Group. More recently he ran one of the Export Control Organisation’s Licensing Units, where he worked with various parts of Government, international partners and large numbers of exporters to administer the UK’s export control responsibilities.


Managing Technology Transfer in Universities & Research Institutes

ITT Universities & Research Institutes helps prevent tangible and intangible technology transfer from research settings to countries of proliferation concern.

Project status: Ongoing


New research examines safer knowledge transfer in research settings

A new catalogue of case studies in the field export control helps universities and researchers pursue academic exchange without jeopardising international...

Lightbulbs sharing ideas


Managing Technology Transfer in Universities & Research Institutes

ITT Universities & Research Institutes helps prevent tangible and intangible technology transfer from research settings to countries of proliferation concern.

Project status: Ongoing


New research examines safer knowledge transfer in research settings

A new catalogue of case studies in the field export control helps universities and researchers pursue academic exchange without jeopardising international...

Lightbulbs sharing ideas