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Po-Shen  Hsin

Po-Shen Hsin

Lecturer in Theoretical Physics

Research interests

  • Mathematics

Contact details


Po-Shen Hsin is a Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, King’s College London. He received BSc in physics from National Taiwan University in 2012, MA in physics from Princeton University in 2016, and PhD in physics from Princeton University in 2018.


Po-Shen Hsin is interested in theoretical physics about quantum field theory, strongly interacting systems, topological phases of matter, and various aspects of symmetries and anomalies.


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Theoretical Physics
Theoretical Physics

The group is at the forefront of research in supersymmetry, string and M- theory and related areas.


Theoretical Physics
Theoretical Physics

The group is at the forefront of research in supersymmetry, string and M- theory and related areas.