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Richard Jefferson-Loveday

Dr Richard Jefferson-Loveday

Reader in Engineering

Research interests

  • Engineering


Dr Richard Jefferson-Loveday is Reader at King’s College London in the Engineering Department. Previously he was Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham and Senior Research Associate at the Whittle Laboratory at the University of Cambridge.

 His research interests include methods development and simulation of complex single and multiphase flows with the following themes:

  • Aerospace Propulsion (including gas turbines and distributed electric propulsion)
  • Continuous Flow Chemical Reactors
  • Aerodynamics & Flow Control
  • High Performance Computing
  • Reduced order modelling (ROM) & Machine Learning

His work has been recognised by the following awards:

  • Turbomachinery Committee (IGTI) Best Paper Award for detailed investigations of wake-induced transition in turbines.
  • Donald Julius Groen Outstanding Paper Award for computational modelling of aeroengine bearing chambers.


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King's researchers working across climate and sustainability


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Climate & sustainability researchers at King’s

King's researchers working across climate and sustainability