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Robin Carpenter

Robin Carpenter

AI Ethics and Governance Lead


Following a career in drug research, Robin began adapting the high standards of these trials to medical AI development. They were modified in collaboration with key stake holders like patients, clinicians, and researchers, creating new governance frameworks that follow and inform best practice. He is now the Ethics and Governance Lead for the AI Centre for Value Based Healthcare, which is a consortium of universities, hospitals and companies developing and deploying medical AI. He also lectures on medical AI law, ethics, and policy for a variety of organisations, such as King’s College London, advises on local and national policy, and sits on the Board of the King's Health Partners Digital Health Hub. 


Robin is a teacher for the following:

  • MSc/MRes in Healthcare Technologies
  • EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Smart Medical Imaging
  • Jersey Executive Education Programme
  • Fellowship in Clinical Artificial Intelligence