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Uzma Zahid

Dr Uzma Zahid

Research Fellow

  • NIHR Maudsley BRC PPIE Coordinator

Contact details


Uzma Zahid is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at King's College London.

She joined King's College London for her MSc in Early Intervention in Psychosis, followed by roles as a Research Assistant in the Department of Psychosis Studies, contributing to projects such as EUGEI, Parameters in Neuroimaging Sudy, Stress Inflammation and Psychosis, and the Child Health and Development Study.

Uzma's PhD project, supported by the Lord Leverhulme Charitable Trust, explored the relationship between antipsychotics, glutamate, and the brain in a MRI study called NECTAR.

After completing her PhD, she worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Oxford, co-leading on successful grant applications, including an NIHR-funded project on psychosis-centered integrated care. Now, as a Research Fellow in the Department of Psychology at King's College London, Uzma contributes actively to CONNECT, a relapse prediction project.

Research Interests

Psychopharmacology and Neurobiology

Early Intervention and Inequalities in Psychosis

Clinical Research and Project Coordination


Uzma is the co-module lead for MSc in Mental Health Studies – Clinical Placements Module and Research Dissertations module.

Expertise and Public Engagement

Uzma is a trustee for the Anne Frank Trust. She supports the education strategy and communications. The Anne Frank Trust is an education charity that empowers young people with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to challenge all forms of prejudice and discrimination.

Uzma also supports the work of local and national environmental groups and projects. 

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Adolescent Mental Health Advisory Group
Adolescent Mental Health Advisory Group

12-17 year olds who have lived experience of mental health problems

Young Person's Mental Health Advisory Group

16-25 year olds with lived experience of using mental health services

Train through Europe
King’s College London Decarbonising European Conference Travel Initiative (IGUANA)

IGUANA funds train travel for conference attendees from London to Europe, promoting sustainability and reducing King's travel footprint.

Project status: Ongoing

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Adolescent Mental Health Advisory Group
Adolescent Mental Health Advisory Group

12-17 year olds who have lived experience of mental health problems

Young Person's Mental Health Advisory Group

16-25 year olds with lived experience of using mental health services

Train through Europe
King’s College London Decarbonising European Conference Travel Initiative (IGUANA)

IGUANA funds train travel for conference attendees from London to Europe, promoting sustainability and reducing King's travel footprint.

Project status: Ongoing