Dr Vasilis Friderikos
Research interests
- Engineering
Dr Friderikos is a Reader in the Department of Engineering at King's College London. Dr Friderikos' research interests include quality of service architectures, wireless queuing, delay tolerant networking, routing in multi hop wireless networks, energy efficient resource management, network optimisation, mobility management, all-IP wireless networks, and network virtualisation.
- Member of IEEE
- Member of IET
- Member of the INFORMS section on Telecommunications
Research Interests
- Quality of Service (QoS) Architectures
- Wireless Queueing
- Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) For Cellular Networks
- Routing In Multi Hop Wireless Networks
- Energy Efficient Resource Management
- Scheduling, Routing, Admission Control Algorithms for Wireless Multi (or single) Hop Wireless Networks
- Network Optimisation, Mobility Management, All-IP Wireless Networks
- Mathematical Programming (linear and/or integer programming), Heuristic and Greedy Algorithms
- Network Virtualization
More Information
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Communication & Information Engineering
Managing information and connecting human activities

Centre for Telecommunications Research
A global leader in telecommunications and data and information processing
King's joins £12 million project investing in future of 6G communication systems
The research is part of the government’s strategic investment in UK telecommunications.

Girls explore electronics of the future
A team of academics, students and technical staff from King’s came together to inspire the next generation of female engineers during our Girls into...

The publication feed is not currently available.

Communication & Information Engineering
Managing information and connecting human activities

Centre for Telecommunications Research
A global leader in telecommunications and data and information processing
King's joins £12 million project investing in future of 6G communication systems
The research is part of the government’s strategic investment in UK telecommunications.

Girls explore electronics of the future
A team of academics, students and technical staff from King’s came together to inspire the next generation of female engineers during our Girls into...