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Dr Vinh-Kim Nguyen

Visiting Professor


Dr Vinh-Kim Nguyen is a medical anthropologist and an HIV physician. He works closely with the Culture, Medicine & Power research group in the Department of Global Health & Social Medicine, bringing in his anthropological expertise, acting as a mentor and advisor, and developing joint research projects especially in the area of biopolitics.

He practices at the Clinique médicale l'Actuel and in the Emergency Department at the Jewish General Hospital in Montréal, Canada. He is also a researcher at the Centre de recherches du Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CRCHUM) and is an associate professor in the Department of Social and Preventative Medicine at the University of Montreal, where he heads the PhD programme in Health Promotion.

He is the author of 'The republic of therapy: Triage and sovereignty in West Africa's time of AIDS'; co-author, with Margaret Lock; of 'An anthropology of biomedicine'; and the co-editor, with Jennifer Klot, of 'The fourth wave: Violence, gender, culture, and HIV in the 21st century'. He has also published papers in HIV prevention and clinical epidemiology.


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Culture, Medicine & Power research group

Delving into the interdisciplinary study of social, cultural, political and historical dimensions of health and illness.


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Culture, Medicine & Power research group

Delving into the interdisciplinary study of social, cultural, political and historical dimensions of health and illness.