Dr Yaniv Hinits is a Research Fellow in the Randall Centre for Cell & Molecular Biophysics, School of Basic & Medical Biosciences.
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Hinits Research Group
The Hinits Group aims to better our understanding of how skeletal and cardiac muscle cells are formed and function during development, regeneration and disease. We use zebrafish embryos and adults (our main model organism) and also human iPSCs-driven cardiomyocytes for our studies.

Gautel Group
The Gautel group aims to elucidate the mechanisms that organise sarcomeres, the smallest contractile unit of striated muscle.
Team awarded millions to study muscle diseases and age-related muscle wasting
Researchers from King’s, in partnership with the Max Planck Institutes in Dortmund and Göttingen and the CNRS Institute of Developmental Biology, University...

The publication feed is not currently available.

Hinits Research Group
The Hinits Group aims to better our understanding of how skeletal and cardiac muscle cells are formed and function during development, regeneration and disease. We use zebrafish embryos and adults (our main model organism) and also human iPSCs-driven cardiomyocytes for our studies.

Gautel Group
The Gautel group aims to elucidate the mechanisms that organise sarcomeres, the smallest contractile unit of striated muscle.
Team awarded millions to study muscle diseases and age-related muscle wasting
Researchers from King’s, in partnership with the Max Planck Institutes in Dortmund and Göttingen and the CNRS Institute of Developmental Biology, University...