Yushi obtained his Bachelors in Biochemistry from Swansea University in 2014. He went on to work for a biotech company, Tagcyx, based in Riken, Japan, helping to develop aptamers that incorporate synthetic base pairs against specific cancers.
In 2016 he completed his MSc in Clinical Neuroscience at UCL. As part of the degree he worked within Prof. Elizabeth Fisher’s research group studying the role of the FUS protein in ALS.
He is currently a Crick PhD student working under the joint supervision of Prof. Jeremy Green (KCL) and Prof. Victor Tybulewicz ( Francis Crick Institute). His project focuses on the craniofacial dysmorphology found in individuals with Down Syndrome, also known as Trisomy 21, unpicking the complex genetics and developmental mechanisms that underly the condition. He uses the mouse as a model system to recapitulate Down Syndrome alongside traditional geometric morphometric methods to analyse said dysmorphology. In collaboration with Dr Nicolas Toussaint at the Biomedical Engineering department, they have generated a computational pipeline that overcomes many of the flaws present in the traditional methodologies allowing for a deeper understanding of the aetiology of Down Syndrome.

Green Lab
The Green Laboratory investigates tissue morphogenesis and the action of morphogens.
New research identifies potential treatment to manage effects of periodontitis
A study from King's researchers has identified use of a cell type known as a telocyte as a route for therapeutic interventions to limit inflammation and bone...


Green Lab
The Green Laboratory investigates tissue morphogenesis and the action of morphogens.
New research identifies potential treatment to manage effects of periodontitis
A study from King's researchers has identified use of a cell type known as a telocyte as a route for therapeutic interventions to limit inflammation and bone...