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A high-field instrument optimised for NMR metabolomics

The 600 MHz NMR spectrometer was installed in 2018 and is ideally suited for metabolomic studies, as well as as being highly capable of small molecule and protein structural studies.

The SampleJet accessory can handle large numbers of samples in up to 49 individual tubes and five 96-well plates containing tubes of any diameter (≤ 5 mm) - the spectrometer can therefore be used for automated metabolomics studies involving large numbers of samples. The nitrogen-cooled 1H,13C,15N prodigy cryoprobe provides ample sensitivity of analysis of mixtures. Furthermore, a 1H,13C HR-MAS probe is available on this instrument to permit the metabolic analysis of intact tissues. The NMR Facility also offers a Bruker SamplePro liquid handling robot for preparation of high volumes of samples for NMR studies.

600 MHz NMR Spectrometer

Contact us

Wolfson Wing, Hodgkin Building Guy's Campus King’s College London London, SE1 1UL