KCL Physics is home to an ISO-5/ISO-7 cleanroom facility used for thin film deposition and characterisation.
All prospective users must complete the KCL Physics cleanroom induction before training for the specific equipment(s). If you want to request access to the spectroscopic ellipsometer or the atomic layer deposition (ALD) system or would like to have films deposited (available or new processes), please contact: Dr Mari Napari Technical Manager (Cleanroom) - mari.napari@kcl.ac.uk

Atomic Layer Deposition
Atomic Layer Deposition (or ALD) is a technique that allows for ultra-thin (5-30 nm) films. ALD Films are built up layer by layer using self-limiting surface reactions giving low pin-hole and particle level. The technique is known as a technique for its close control over film uniformity and highly conformal films.

Ellipsometry is an optical technique for investigating the dielectric properties (complex refractive index or dielectric function) of thin films. Ellipsometry measures the change of polarization upon reflection or transmission and compares it to a model.
If you want to request access to the Ellipsometer or the ALD (training required for both) or would like to have thin films deposited (available or new processes) and/or characterised, please contact: Dr Mari Napari Technical Manager (Cleanroom) - mari.napari@kcl.ac.uk
Related equipment

Picosun R-200 Advanced Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) System.
Used for depositing films of oxides and sulfides of Al, In, Ga, Hf and Ti as well as metallic gold. Location: Strand Building S-1.23 Clean Room

Horiba Uvisel Plus Ellipsometer
Charactierises thin films and measures thickness. Location: Strand Building S-1.23 Clean Room

Atomic Layer Deposition
Atomic Layer Deposition (or ALD) is a technique that allows for ultra-thin (5-30 nm) films. ALD Films are built up layer by layer using self-limiting surface reactions giving low pin-hole and particle level. The technique is known as a technique for its close control over film uniformity and highly conformal films.

Ellipsometry is an optical technique for investigating the dielectric properties (complex refractive index or dielectric function) of thin films. Ellipsometry measures the change of polarization upon reflection or transmission and compares it to a model.
Facility staff
If you want to request access to the Ellipsometer or the ALD (training required for both) or would like to have thin films deposited (available or new processes) and/or characterised, please contact: Dr Mari Napari Technical Manager (Cleanroom) - mari.napari@kcl.ac.uk
Related equipment

Picosun R-200 Advanced Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) System.
Used for depositing films of oxides and sulfides of Al, In, Ga, Hf and Ti as well as metallic gold. Location: Strand Building S-1.23 Clean Room

Horiba Uvisel Plus Ellipsometer
Charactierises thin films and measures thickness. Location: Strand Building S-1.23 Clean Room