Fellowship opportunities
Join a vibrant, dynamic community of postdoctoral and early career researchers at King's College London, a world-leading institution in the heart of London.
We welcome outstanding applicants to external research funding schemes. Click below for more information and details on how to apply.
Please contact us for the latest deadlines and scheme details if you are interested in applying for any of these opportunities.
Current Opportunities
King's Prize Fellowships, including the Professor Anthony Mellows Medal & Fellowship
The King’s Prize Fellowship is awarded bi-annually to outstanding post-doctoral scientists. The award seeks to encourage individuals with a strong research interest to become leaders in their field. The award is supported by the Anthony and Elizabeth Mellows Charitable Settlement, in association with King's College. One of the fellowships per year will be awarded the Professor Anthony Mellows Medal.
The awards may be held in any part of King’s College London but must be focused on biomedical or health-related research.
The King’s Prize Fellowship is awarded twice a year and provides 18-24 months of funding including a generous salary and running expenses. The award aims to support the Fellow's transition to an independent research career. It is awarded through an annual competition, advertised widely and open to both internal (King's) and external candidates.
The next deadline is 28th November 2024
Kennedy Trust for Rheumatology Research Senior Research Fellowship
This scheme provides a five-year fellowship of up to £2million to promising independent researchers with a proven track record of excellence in the field of rheumatology or related musculoskeletal or inflammatory disease. King's is allowed to submit one application to the Trust, therefore we will hold an internal selection process to select our applicant for this round. External applicants (including overseas) are welcomed; internal deadline for completed applications is 12th January 2024.
Marie Curie Individual Fellowship
Individual Fellowships (IFs) are a great option if you are an experienced researcher looking to give your career a boost by working abroad. There are two types of IFs: European and Global. Internal candidates: more detail about the scheme can be found through the Research Support intranet pages. The current round is now closed; the internal deadline was 28th June. The internal guidance can be found below for information.
British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship
This scheme provides funding to cover a 3 year fellowship. The purpose of the award is to enable the award holder to pursue an independent research project, towards the completion of a significant piece of publishable research. The deadline for the internal selection process for the 2025 round was 15th July 2024). Please see the guidance document below for information only.
Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships
These fellowships are for three years, on a full-time basis. They are intended to assist those at a relatively early stage of their academic careers, and it is hoped that the appointment would lead to a more permanent position for the individual, either in the same or another institution. The internal selection process for the 2025 round is 7th October 2024.
The guidance document can be viewed below.
British Academy International Fellowships
The International Fellowships enable researchers to work for two years at a UK institution with the aim of fostering long-term international collaborations; they aim to attract the most promising early career postdoctoral researchers from overseas in the fields of natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities. The British Academy deadline for the 2024 round was 13th March 2024; our internal selection deadline was therefore 19th February 2024.
The internal guidance document for the latest round can be viewed below.
Wellcome Early Career Awards
This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. Through innovative projects, they will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the award, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme. The deadline for the next round of this scheme will be 1st October 2024; please inform your Research Development Manager, if you'd like to apply.
Contact us
Susie Cornick-Willis, Research Development Officer, Arts & Sciences Research Office
Kate Smith, Research Development Officer, Health Faculties