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Healthlocker is an interactive website developed by South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust in conjunction with Mindwave Ventures. Developed in consultation with over 450 patients, carers, clinicians, and researchers, the website allows users to take an active role in their recovery and wellbeing.

Through Healthlocker, service users can access parts of their health record including their care plan. They can also keep track of how they are feeling, create goals, and monitor their progress. Users and their carers can also choose to share information with their clinical team. Healthlocker also provides information and advice on managing health and wellbeing.

With a growing demand for mental health services, Healthlocker has the potential to help people self-manage their conditions both inside and outside of the ward or clinic—supporting those on waiting lists and reducing re-admissions. It will also improve clinical care by providing high-quality, real-time patient data and offering a more holistic view of the individual. Researchers will also benefit from more accurate, anonymous data that can be used to improve the lives of millions of people.

Healthlocker in South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust is now being piloted. The platform is being developed in Open Source so that it can be made available to other NHS trusts and organisations to use and develop further. The project is supported by the Maudsley Charity.

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South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

Project status: Ongoing