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Mapping harmful algal bloom dynamics in Lake Victoria to understand the impact on local communities

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are growing in extent, duration and scope around the world. Beset by widespread and frequent HABs, East Africa’s Lake Victoria offers an exceptional context to study the dynamics and impacts of blooms.

This project is co-led by Assistant Professor, Kathyrn Fiorella (Cornell University) and Dr Emma Tebbs (King's).

Harmful Algal Bloom in Winam Gulf


  • Cornell Univeristy
  • Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI)
  • Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD)

This partnership will facilitate satellite-based monitoring of HAB seasonal patterns and long-term trends, and link HABs to public and ecosystem health challenges, including toxin accumulation in fish and drinking water and environmental impacts of aquaculture.

Sentinel-2 image Winam Gulf - June 2022


To detect HAB bloom conditions and their extent at Lake Victoria using King's-developed satellite-based monitoring tools and on-the-ground data collected by Cornell researchers.


The team’s regional investment, strong connections to KMFRI/RCMRD, and commitment to jointly advancing knowledge, publications and external funding applications will enable us to leverage this project for long-term impacts.

Project status: Ongoing