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Arts & Culture

Screen Encounters with Britain: What do young Europeans make of Britain and its Digital Screen culture

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Screen Encounters with Britain (SEB) is an AHRC-funded research project that explores how transnational video-on-demand services like Netflix and YouTube affect the nature and extent of European audiences' digital encounters with the UK.

Using a mixed-methods approach, which combines document analysis to assess market trends with quantitative and qualitative audience research methods, it will establish: (1) How young Europeans define, find, access, value and experience screen content from the UK, and what motivates them to do so; and (2) how they understand the UK and British culture based on their screen consumption and wider UK-related experiences, and how this impacts their attitudes about the UK.

The research focuses on young, digital audiences (aged 16-34) in four case study markets: Denmark, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands.

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Research findings will be shared widely with industry, policy and academic communities in the form of open access interim country reports, webinars, knowledge exchange roundtables, academic publications and an end of project symposium and report.

Screen practitioners will benefit from a better understanding of how young European audiences find British content and what they like and value about it. UK political institutions and cultural policy makers will benefit from insights about how young Europeans perceive the UK and the role screen content plays in shaping perceptions.

Our Partners

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Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

Participant in QAA QE-TNE Scheme

Participant in QAA QE-TNE Scheme

Project status: Starting

Principal Investigator



Funding Body: Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

Amount: £452,623

Period: April 2022 - September 2024

Contact us

Follow the project on Twitter - @ScreenBritain
