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The METRED-P Study

There is currently no evidence for the effects of the Mediterranean diet and time-restricted eating on psoriasis symptoms. We are launching the first dietary intervention study examining the effect of these dietary patterns on the severity of psoriasis. This research will help us understand which dietary pattern is feasible to follow in people living with psoriasis and will provide some preliminary data on the most effective strategy for reducing psoriasis severity.

Research studies exploring the links between diet and psoriasis mainly focus on low calorie diets and weight loss. There are no clinical studies assessing the impact of a Mediterranean style diet or time-restricted eating on the severity of psoriasis. To address this gap, the Psoriasis Association has awarded funding to King’s College London to launch the MEditerranean diet and Time-Restricted Eating Dietary intervention for Psoriasis study, the METRED-P study. The results from this randomised controlled trial will provide much-needed evidence on whether these different diets are feasible and likely to be effective in the management of psoriasis. If results show that these diets are feasible in people living with psoriasis, the data collected from this study will be used to inform the design of a larger, more comprehensive clinical study to identify the most effective diet on improving the severity of psoriasis.

Can I take part?

You can take part if you are:

  • 18 years or older
  • Have a psoriasis diagnosis
  • Have a body mass index between 25-40
  • Are NOT currently receiving tablet or injection treatments for psoriasis

What does the study involve?

The METRED-P study is a diet intervention study consisting of 3 clinic visits and online diet education sessions.

  • A Registered Associate Nutritionist will guide you for 12 weeks to follow a Mediterranean style and/or time-restricted eating
  • You will complete diet diaries, questionnaires about your psoriasis and attend online diet education sessions with the Registered Associate Nutritionist.
  • During the clinic visits, you will have a psoriasis examination, body composition measurement, and you will provide a fasting blood sample (approximately 3.5 teaspoons).

Clinic visits will take place at the Metabolic Research Unit – 4th Floor (Corridor A) in the Franklin−Wilkins Building, King’s College London, 150 Stamford Street, London, SE1 9NH. You will need an internet connection to participate in the diet education sessions.

What are the benefits of taking part?

On completion of the METRED-P study you will have received:

  • a full health screen
  • some food provision
  • £100 compensation

Additional Information

Ethical clearance

Advertisement for use for recruitment of volunteers for study ref: HR/DP-22/23-34784, approved by King’s College London Health Faculties Research Ethics Subcommittee

Trials Design

Starting recruitment 10th April until 31st March 2024

Project status: Starting
Metred-P Study logo

Principal Investigator



Funding Body: Psoriasis Association

Amount: £100.000

Period: December 2023 - December 2023

Contact us

For more information and to join the study contact: Sylvia Zanesco