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05 June 2023

King's teaching module wins Education Innovation Award

The Synthetic Anatomy Module, an integrated innovative anatomy teaching module developed and delivered by Dr Mandeep Gill Sagoo, Professor Richard Wingate, Professor Kawal Rhode and Dr Leigh Wilson has won the Anatomical Society’s Education Innovation Award for 2023.

teaching module image

The Synthetic Anatomy module is an interdisciplinary, innovative module at King’s College London for second-year undergraduate students, which extrapolates anatomy to areas of bioengineering, 3D printing and arts. It imports the teaching and assessment techniques of art school into anatomy.

Co-organised by the Department of Anatomy in the School of Bioscience Education and the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences, the module has been successfully delivered for six years.

The module brings together biomedical engineers and anatomy students in small collaborative groups to speculate on, design, and 3D print imagined structures that probe the boundaries of clinical, evolutionary and developmental anatomy and beyond.

Technical teaching is accompanied by class workshops exploring visual presentation and reflection dimensions. Anatomists, bioengineers and visiting artists lead workshops, where they apply the technique of the 'crit', a form of group reflection adapted from art and architecture schools, to encourage group engagement.

Module co-lead Dr Mandeep Gill Sagoo says “students are highly satisfied with their learning experience and show an extraordinary commitment to the course”.

The emerging conclusion is that by paying attention to the strengths of an interdisciplinary team, the material craft of science and exploring and reflecting in a community of practice, we can design and deliver more valid and meaningful modules and also address the employability agenda.

Dr Mandeep Gill Sagoo, Senior lecturer in Anatomy

The Anatomical Society’s Education Innovation Award rewards anatomy educators who have developed and implemented an innovative standalone project in the field of undergraduate or postgraduate education that has had sustainable impact on the student experience and learning.

Students who have participated in the module have been able to use the interdisciplinary techniques learnt to further develop their research. Antonia Pontiki, a student in the 2017-18 iteration of the module, and Prof Kawal Rhode, Synthetic Anatomy Module co-lead, developed a 3D printed mould method for cancerous bone and tissue, which has dramatically reduced the cost of tumour removal procedures.

We are truly grateful and humbled to receive the Anatomical Society Education Innovation Award 2023. This award serves as a tremendous motivation to continue the work and strive for excellence. Thank you to the Anatomical Society and everyone involved in the selection process.

Dr Mandeep Gill Sagoo, Senior lecturer in Anatomy

In this story

Mandeep Gill Sagoo

Senior lecturer in Anatomy

Kawal Rhode

Professor in Biomedical Engineering and the Head of Education at the School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences