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31 January 2023

Safeguarding responses to homelessness and self-neglect

Jess Harris, Stan Burridge and Bruno Ornelas were reporting emerging research findings

A bench with a person's belongings on and about it

Over 300 participants joined an HSCWRU event today to hear and discuss emerging findings from the Unit’s Adult safeguarding, homelessness and self-neglect study with three members of the research team. Jess Harris presented findings from the practitioner interviews, Stan Burridge, peer-researcher and PPI lead on the study presented findings from interviews with people with lived experience of multiple exclusion homelessness, and Bruno Ornelas, homelessness safeguarding consultant, offered reflections from an expert practitioner perspective. Questions and comments from participants brought useful reflections from practice across health, adult social care and homelessness provider sector organisations. The slides are available on the event page.

I thought that this session was excellent. It completely reinforced much of my experiences and beliefs and the referral fatigue so often seen with this group of at risk adults.

A safeguarding manager from an Integrated Care Board in England

On Twitter

Coming up

The next webinar deriving from this study will present further findings from the lived experience study interviews on 25 April 2023. It is open to all.

The next webinar in the Homelessness series at King's on 'Radical approaches to safeguarding & homelessness' with Gill Taylor (Haringey) is on 9 March 2023. It is open to all.

In this story

Jess Harris

Research Fellow

Stan Burridge

Expert Focus

Bruno Ornelas

Rough Sleeping Adviser, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities