24 March 2020
School of Security Studies releases coherent research themes across War Studies and Defence Studies
Our research themes are designed to bring greater coherence and cohesion to research being conducted across the two departments that make up the School of Security Studies.
- All academic staff and PGR students in the School are linked to at least one research theme.
- All research centres and groups in the School come under one of the research themes.
- Academic leads for the themes are appointed through an application process to provide leadership for their theme.
- Each theme is supported by a dedicated PGR student.
The research themes serve several specific purposes:
First, they make the School more understandable and accessible to external audiences in the UK and further afield, be this prospective students, funders, policy makers, potential research collaborators, the media or the general public.
Second, the themes allow us to further develop our communities of research practice by providing enhanced support and mentoring opportunities for PGRs, post-docs and early career researchers. The academic leads work closely with the PGR representatives to develop an annual programme of activities that caters for all theme members. The research themes also provide the organising focus for an annual 2-day School research event involving both staff and PGR students.
Third, the themes operate across the School's two sites -- London and Shrivenham -- and provide an important means of bridging geographical distance and connecting staff and students in War Studies and Defence Studies.