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08 December 2022

Signs of Safety – feeding back to the Department for Education

Mary Baginsky and Ben Hickman discussed findings with policymakers

A group of children with backs to the camera

Dr Mary Baginsky and Ben Hickman, together with Eva Schoenwald of What Works for Children's Social Care, led a seminar on the findings from the evaluation of Signs of Safety for 20 participants from the Department for Education.


Baginsky, M., Moriarty, J., Manthorpe, J., Beecham, J. and Hickman, B. (2017) Evaluation of Signs of Safe in 10 Pilots. London: Department for Education.

Baginsky, M., Hickman, B., Harris, J., Manthorpe, J., Sanders, M., O'Higgins, A., Schoenwald, E. and Clayton, V. (2020). Evaluation of MTM’s Signs of Safety Pilots. Evaluation report and Evaluation report appendices. London: The Department for Education.

Go to the Children's Research Programme at the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce at King's. 

In this story

Mary Baginsky

Reader in Social Care

Ben Hickman

Myriad Research