I am delighted to have been elected as Fellow of the British Academy. I feel deeply honoured that my research on fairness and accountability in policing has been recognised.
Professor Ben Bowling, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice
22 July 2022
Three King's academics elected as Fellows of the British Academy
Three academics from King’s have been welcomed to the prestigious British Academy Fellowship, in recognition of their pioneering research in the areas of law, classical art and theology.

Announced today, Professors Ben Bowling, Michael Squire and Linda Woodhead, have been elected as Fellows of the British Academy. Founded in 1902, the British Academy is the UK’s national academy for the humanities and social sciences, with a Fellowship of over 1,600 leading minds.

Professor Ben Bowling, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at The Dickson Poon School of Law, studies crime, criminal justice, policing and community safety.
His recent work examines the extension of police power beyond the boundaries of the nation state and the practical, political, ethical and legal problems that arise.
His research on fairness, effectiveness and police accountability in the local, national and transnational spheres has been published in the Modern Law Review, Criminal Law Review, Criminology and Criminal Justice and Theoretical Criminology.

Professor Michael Squire, Professor of Classical Art in the Department of Classics, works at the interface of classics and art history, with particular interest in the afterlives of classical visual culture – from late-antique Christian responses, through the rise of German aesthetics in the eighteenth century, to the contemporary artist’s studio.
The project he led on Modern Classicisms: Ancient Art and Contemporary Artists in Dialogue resulted in a major King’s exhibition in 2018, The Classical Now. His research publications have also pioneered new ways of bridging the study of ancient literary and material cultures, in the Greek and Roman worlds alike.
I feel immensely honoured by this election, and look forward to working with the British Academy to champion the societal value of not only art history and classics (my own interconnected research areas), but also the wider range of so-called SHAPE subjects. Here I’m particularly proud of the collective work King’s Classics has done as a Department over the last decade, especially with a view to impact, accessibility and widening participation, supported by our King's Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
Professor Michael Squire, Professor of Classical Art

Professor Linda Woodhead, F.D. Maurice Chair in Moral and Social Theology at Theology and Religious Studies, is an expert on religion, beliefs and values.
Her writing and broadcasting examine the decline of Christianity and the rise of alternative beliefs, values and rituals – both spiritual and non-religious.
She founded the Westminster Faith Debates with the Rt Hon Charles Clarke, and she continues working with Clarke, R.E. professionals and others on improving how religion is handled in schools and public life.
I am honoured and delighted to be elected FBA in the same year that I joined King’s Department of Theology and Religious Studies. My work explores the decline of Christian churches, the rise of alternative kinds of spiritual and magical practice, and the way in which ‘values’ have become something sacred.
Professor Linda Woodhead, F.D. Maurice Chair in Moral and Social Theology
Welcoming the Fellows, the President of the British Academy, Professor Julia Black, said “I am delighted to welcome these distinguished and pioneering scholars to our Fellowship…With our new Fellows’ expertise and insights, the Academy is better placed than ever to open new seams of knowledge and understanding and to enhance the wellbeing and prosperity of societies around the world. I congratulate each of our new Fellows on their achievement and look forward to working with them.”