Anne Laure Humbert
Visiting Professor
Professor Anne Laure Humbert, PhD, is very experienced in gender equality research at national, EU and international level, policy analysis and assessment as well as gender statistics. She specialises in applying quantitative methods to comparative social and economic analysis, particularly in relation to work and organisations, entrepreneurship, and work-life balance. She holds a visiting position at the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s College London. Anne is a regular public speaker on gender equality and intersectionality, and she enjoys the opportunity to make connections between theory, policy and practice.
Over the years, she has built a significant body of work around the development of gender-related composite indicators. This includes work on the development of the Gender Equality Index for the European Institute for Gender Equality, the Gender Diversity Index for research teams under the Horizon 2020 funded project GEDII, and the technical proposal for the update of the Gender Inequality Index for UNDP and UN Women. Anne has recently worked with the World Bank on the development of a Gender and Mobility Index and the European Commission on a Gender Equality in Research and Innovation Index. She is now developing a local level Gender Equality Index in the UK at the Global Institute for Women's Leadership.
Anne also has a significant track record of working on gender structural change in organisations, with recent Horizon 2020 projects looking at implementing gender equality plans in universities across Europe (GEARING-Roles); assessing the feasibility of an award/certification system for gender equality in Europe (CASPER); and measuring and addressing gender-based violence in higher education in Europe (UniSAFE, GenderSAFE). She is currently working on trans inclusion in STEM (ASPIRE).
Her recent methodological work has focused on the applications of intersectional multilevel modelling (MAIHDA: Multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy) to various aspects of social and economic outcomes of inequalities, and she is currently writing a book on the topic based on her experience of training other researchers on how to use this new approach to intersectional quantitative analysis.