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Imogen Stagg

Imogen Stagg

Research Nurse on IBD-BOOST programme

Research interests

  • Nursing

Contact details


Imogen is a Research Nurse on the IBD-BOOST programme.

IBD-BOOST aims to help improve the quality of life for people affected by Crohn’s, colitis and other forms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).



IBD-BOOST Programme

Living well with Crohn’s and Colitis through an interactive online programme with nurse support.

IBD-BOOST Optimise

An evaluation of a checklist and algorithm to identify and treat potential causes of pain, fatigue and urgency in people with inflammatory bowel disease

Project status: Completed


A randomised controlled trial of an online self-management programme for fatigue, pain and urgency in inflammatory bowel disease to improve quality of life.

Project status: Completed

The IBD-BOOST Survey

Do you have IBD? Please complete the IBD-BOOST Survey! By telling us how IBD impacts you, you could help us develop better ways to manage symptoms of IBD.

Project status: Completed


IBD-BOOST Programme

Living well with Crohn’s and Colitis through an interactive online programme with nurse support.

IBD-BOOST Optimise

An evaluation of a checklist and algorithm to identify and treat potential causes of pain, fatigue and urgency in people with inflammatory bowel disease

Project status: Completed


A randomised controlled trial of an online self-management programme for fatigue, pain and urgency in inflammatory bowel disease to improve quality of life.

Project status: Completed

The IBD-BOOST Survey

Do you have IBD? Please complete the IBD-BOOST Survey! By telling us how IBD impacts you, you could help us develop better ways to manage symptoms of IBD.

Project status: Completed