Professor Nigel Pitts
Dean of Research Impact
- Professor of Dental Health, Director: Dental Innovation and Impact
Research interests
- Dentistry
At King’s College London's Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences, Professor Nigel Pitts FRSE has served as Director of the Innovation and Translation Centre (now a research hub in the Centre for Oral, Clinical & Translational Sciences). He is currently (from February 2022) serving as Dean of Research Impact across the University and continues as Director of Dental Innovation and Impact for the Faculty
He is also Professor of Dental Health, leads the GCCM (Global Collaboratory for Caries Management initiative), is chair of both the ACFF (Alliance for Cavity Free Future) and the ICDAS Foundation (International Caries Classification and Management System) charities and co-founder of the Erosive Tooth Wear Foundation. Within the NHS he is also an Honorary Consultant in Dental Public Health to Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.
Professor Pitts graduated in Dentistry from the University of London, moved to the University of Hong Kong to help set up a new Dental School in the 1980's and returned to the UK to take up the Directorship of the Dental Health Services Research Unit at the University of Dundee (where he also served as Dean of Dentistry and Director of the Centre for Clinical Innovations).
He returned to London at the start of 2013. Professor Pitts has been awarded international research prizes from: the FDI World Dental Federation, the British Dental Association Research Foundation, the International Association for Dental Research (two Distinguished Scientist Awards) as well as from the European Organization for Caries Research (ORCA – where he is a Past President).
He is also Past President of BASCD - the British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry and of EADPH – the European Association for Dental Public Health. He has assembled a portfolio of research and commercialisation grants of over £30 million, has over 220 peer-reviewed publications as well as over 100 other published communications to date.
The publication feed is not currently available.

Centre for Oral, Clinical & Translational Sciences
From toothwear to oral pathology, from facial reconstruction to oral surgery, there's one thing that all our research shares: an underlying desire to make a difference to patients and bring benefits to society. We’re particularly strong in prosthodontics and endodontics research, and our work in this field feeds into our postgraduate programmes.

Fluoride Interventions to prevent dental decay in care home residents (FInCH): A cluster randomised feasibility study
Establishing the feasibility, acceptability & compliance of delivering fluoride interventions for the prevention of dental caries in care homes for older people
Project status: Completed
REF 2021 results demonstrate impact of FoDOCS research
Results published today show combined strength of King’s profile for high-quality, impactful research within allied and applied health research, including...

Policy consensus to make inroads toward securing a Cavity-Free Future
The Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future has published a Global Consensus for achieving a dental cavity-free future, a comprehensive collection of policy...

Shifting policy towards a cavity-free future
King's College London researchers studying dental caries, in collaboration with the Policy Institute at King's, have developed a series of three very...

Change is coming within the dental sector
The Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future, together with the Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences and the Policy Institute are holding their second...

World Cavity-Free Future Day
World Cavity-Free Future Day, an initiative founded by ACFF, runs annually globally, and is now in its fourth year.

Policy Lab Progress
Blueprint plan adapted and soon to be implemented

An in-depth look at: the Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future
For the last five years, a small yet effective group has been taking root at King’s College London.

ACFF Dental Policy Lab aims to repeat last year's success
The Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future (ACFF) is a global, not-for-profit organisation, which seeks to promote integrated clinical and public health action to...

Prestigious review of dental caries field published
A new authoritative international review of the field of dental caries, led by King’s College London’s Dental Institute, has been published recently in the...

An in-depth look at: The Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future
For the last seven years, a small yet effective group has been taking root at King’s College London.

The Global Collaboratory for Caries Management
How King’s College London is enabling a shift in the prevention and treatment of tooth decay worldwide.

The publication feed is not currently available.

Centre for Oral, Clinical & Translational Sciences
From toothwear to oral pathology, from facial reconstruction to oral surgery, there's one thing that all our research shares: an underlying desire to make a difference to patients and bring benefits to society. We’re particularly strong in prosthodontics and endodontics research, and our work in this field feeds into our postgraduate programmes.

Fluoride Interventions to prevent dental decay in care home residents (FInCH): A cluster randomised feasibility study
Establishing the feasibility, acceptability & compliance of delivering fluoride interventions for the prevention of dental caries in care homes for older people
Project status: Completed
REF 2021 results demonstrate impact of FoDOCS research
Results published today show combined strength of King’s profile for high-quality, impactful research within allied and applied health research, including...

Policy consensus to make inroads toward securing a Cavity-Free Future
The Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future has published a Global Consensus for achieving a dental cavity-free future, a comprehensive collection of policy...

Shifting policy towards a cavity-free future
King's College London researchers studying dental caries, in collaboration with the Policy Institute at King's, have developed a series of three very...

Change is coming within the dental sector
The Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future, together with the Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences and the Policy Institute are holding their second...

World Cavity-Free Future Day
World Cavity-Free Future Day, an initiative founded by ACFF, runs annually globally, and is now in its fourth year.

Policy Lab Progress
Blueprint plan adapted and soon to be implemented

An in-depth look at: the Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future
For the last five years, a small yet effective group has been taking root at King’s College London.

ACFF Dental Policy Lab aims to repeat last year's success
The Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future (ACFF) is a global, not-for-profit organisation, which seeks to promote integrated clinical and public health action to...

Prestigious review of dental caries field published
A new authoritative international review of the field of dental caries, led by King’s College London’s Dental Institute, has been published recently in the...

An in-depth look at: The Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future
For the last seven years, a small yet effective group has been taking root at King’s College London.

The Global Collaboratory for Caries Management
How King’s College London is enabling a shift in the prevention and treatment of tooth decay worldwide.