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Bridging the Publication Gender Gap: Enhancing Women’s Scholarship and Networks in Lusophone Africa through Mentoring and Writing Workshops

These workshops represent an important initiative in leveraging the existing network of Lusophone African Researchers (RESAL) to empower its women members across various disciplines within the humanities and social sciences. By fostering collaboration, the aim is to bring colleagues together to develop special issues to publish in international journals, as well as to strategise for future funding opportunities.

It builds on the recognition that despite the rich academic landscape surrounding Lusophone Africa (Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, São Tomé e Príncipe and Mozambique), a disproportionately small portion of the most influential scholarly work in recent years has emerged from scholars based within these countries, particularly from women scholars. This stark underrepresentation underscores the pressing need to amplify and prioritise their perspectives. By doing so, we can ensure that the narratives and discourse surrounding Lusophone Africa are enriched by the insights and experiences of women scholars within these regions, rather than solely reflecting external viewpoints.

Central to the workshops' objectives is the provision of mentorship in writing skills tailored specifically for peer-reviewed publications. This mentorship will not only aid in enhancing the academic writing proficiency of participants but will also equip them with the tools necessary for navigating the peer review process.

Additionally, the workshops will seek to engage early career researchers who are willing to participate in subsequent peer review activities alongside mentors beyond the scope of the project. This collaborative approach not only fosters skill development among emerging scholars but also promotes a more inclusive and diverse peer review landscape, ultimately contributing to the advancement and visibility of scholarship originating from Lusophone African scholars, particularly women.

Project status: Ongoing