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Challenges of multidisciplinarity in Socio-Environmental Research – (CLOSER) is an independent research group constituted by eight scholars currently working on Brazilian socio-environmental issues from Brazil, the United Kingdom, Europe and New Zealand.

Engaged in multi-disciplinary research, CLOSER aims at a broad understanding of socio-environmental relations. It seeks to produce and diffuse new knowledge, capable of bridging the academic, public, private and third sector gaps between the UK and Brazil.

Hosted by the King’s Brazil Institute, at King’s College London, CLOSER was originally formed while its members were PhD researchers at King’s College London (KCL), the University College London (UCL) and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). With initial funding from the King’s Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Centre (KISS-DTC) and UCL Economic & Social Research Council DTC, CLOSER has been promoting research exchange since 2015.

Project status: Ongoing
