Research facilities
Cutting-edge facilities, technical services and technology platforms
A centre of expertise for cell characterisation using high throughput imaging and high content analysis of cellular models. The stem cell hotel provides guidance, expert advice and bespoke services to users, including assay development and assistance in overcoming technical challenges. It advises researchers in the best practice of sample preparation for imaging, imaging expertise, analysis pipeline design and quantification of the results. Introductory training is provided to all new users and bespoke training for complex cellular models is available.
Access: To access the booking system, create an online account by completing the registration form.
Training: To qualify as an independent user, individual training can be arranged based on project requirements.
Location: 28th floor, Centre for Gene Therapy and Regenerative Medicine, Tower Wing, Guy’s Hospital, London SE19RT| Guy’s Campus
Contact: Complete the online enquires form or email the facility at
The Centre for Ultrastructural Imaging (CUI) is the central electron microscopy core research facility at King’s, offering electron microscope (EM) services for internal and external collaborators from academic, commercial and industrial fields. Using advanced EM instruments, we perform and support various workflows, including room temperature preparation, through to full cryo-preparation and imaging, multi-scale correlative and volume imaging.
Access: Visit the CUI user pages for access details.
Training: Individual training for users to operate microscopes and prepare specimens is provided and the CUI hold regular seminars and workshops.
Location: New Hunt’s House, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 1UL | Guy’s Campus
The FACS Facility offers a FACS with red, yellow/green, blue, violet and UV laser, capable to perform 2-way or 4-way cell sorting, and cell sorting into 6, 12, 24, 48 and 96 well plates. The FACS is operated by the facility manager.
Access: Contact the facility manager for enquiries and bookings.
Location: Rayne Institute, 123 Coldharbour Lane, London SE5 9NU | Denmark Hill Campus
Contact: Facility Manager: Tsz Kan Fung
The Flow Cytometry Facility in the Departments of Immunobiology and Infectious Diseases offers a variety of services to both internal and external users. We provide a cell sorting service operated by facility staff, or equipment is available to book by registered trained users. We currently operate two analytical flow cytometers (BD FACSCantoIIs) and one cell-sorter (BD FACSAriaII SORP). Cell sorting must be requested at least one week prior to your booking. Please contact the facility manager to discuss your project, bookings are confirmed via e-mail.
Access: Contact the facility manager to discuss your project and flow cytometry needs. Contact should be made a minimum of one week prior to your required booking.
Training: Training is provided for the analysers as part of the induction and registration process and takes approximately 1.5 hours.
Location: Borough Wing, Guy’s Hospital, London SE1 9RT | Guy’s Campus
The Denmark Hill Flow Cytometry Facility provides access to advanced flow cytometry instruments for both cell analysis and sorting. The facility operates across two locations on the Denmark Hill Campus: the Rayne Institute and the SGDP (East Denmark Hill Campus).
SGDP Site: Contact Pro Chatzikyriakou
Rayne Site: Contact Rebecca Newell or Thomas Seidl
SDGP Building, Memory Lane, Denmark Hill, London SE5 8AF | Denmark Hill Campus
Rayne Institute: 123 Coldharbour Lane, London SE5 9NU | Denmark Hill Campus
General Enquiries: Giorgio Napolitani
The facility hosts a CyTOF XT Mass Cytometer. We can acquire samples stained with metal conjugated antibodies, and provide help to customers with experimental design, protocols, and conjugation of antibodies.
Training: Training offered for staining protocols and antibody conjugations.
Location: SDGP Building, Memory Lane, Denmark Hill, London SE5 8AF | Denmark Hill Campus
Contact: Giorgio Napolitani
The HTS facility is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation to perform high-throughput and high-content functional genomics screenings using a range of libraries. The platform can accommodate cell-based screenings using diverse cell models to address a wide range of biological questions.
Access: Contact the facility manager to discuss project requirements.
Location: The James Black Building, 125 Coldharbour Lane, London SE5 9NU | Denmark Hill Campus
Contact: Facility Manager Miguel Mano
This facility enables users to undertake parallel analysis of the two major energy pathways in the cells mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis, in real time, quantifying oxidative phosphorylation, fatty acid oxidation, extracellular acidification, glycolysis, substrate utilisation evaluation and other key bioenergetic measurements in live cells. The instruments available are:
Visit Agilent for help with designing your experiments.
Access: Contact the Facility Manager to discuss access.
Training: Training is required for access to the facility and the equipment booking system. To book onto the next training sessions, email Aakruti Kaikini. Hands on training takes place over 2 days and is provided by an Agilent expert. This is followed by a data handling training session.
Location: Hodgkin Building, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 1UL | Guy’s Campus
Contact: Facility Manager: Dr Hannah Rosa
The NMR Facility is a core research facility that provides researchers access to four state of the art, high-field spectrometers, supporting a range of experimental techniques dedicated largely to the study of biological systems, including investigating protein structure and dynamics, metabolomics and mixture analysis, small molecules, drug screening and biological solids.
Access: Contact the facility manager.
Training: Services are generally provided by facility staff but users can be trained to operate equipment independently.
Location: Hodgkin Building, Guy’s Campus, London, SE1 1UL
Contact: Facility Manager: James Jarvis
The Proteomics Facility is a core research facility that provides state of the art protein mass spectrometry support for researchers at King's and external institutions, offering a range of services from the simplest protein identification to very complex large scale biomarker discovery and verification studies in a wide range of biological matrices.
Access: Contact the facility manager for enquiries.
Training: All research work is carried out by experienced facility staff members. The facility hosts monthly informal drop-in clinics to discuss how proteomics can help researchers and potential projects.
Location: Centre of Excellence for Mass Spectrometry, The James Black Centre, 125 Coldharbour Lane London SE5 9NU | Denmark Hill Campus
Contact: Facility Manager: Steven Lynham
The Single Cell Omics Platform (SCOP) is a state-of-the-art facility located at New Hunts House, King's College London, equipped with advanced instrumentation and staffed by expert scientists. With years of experience in single-cell omics, the SCOP team provides high-quality services tailored to the needs of King’s and the wider research community.
We specialise in single-cell sequencing technologies, utilising both microfluidics and microwell-based approaches. Our platform includes the 10x Chromium X, a microfluidics-based system supporting Next GEM and GEM-X 3’RNA and 5’RNA V(D)J assays, on-chip multiplexing, Multiome ATAC, and Fixed RNA Profiling Flex. Additionally, we offer the BD Rhapsody, a microwell-based single-cell analysis system designed for high-efficiency targeted gene expression and multiomic profiling.
Access: Our facility offers open access to state-of-the-art equipment for single-cell research. Induction and training provided. Please contact our facility regarding access, training, and costing.
Location: King's College London, Guy's Campus, Lab 1.29A, Office 1.32A, New Hunt’s House, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 1UL | Guy’s Campus
Contact: SCOP Manager - Dasha Freydina, or for general questions, email