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MBBS graduate walks the wall for obesity

At just 25, recent King’s College London MBBS graduate, Jonathan Temple has already made great strides towards tackling the public health crisis that is obesity.


Whilst studying and undertaking his clinical placements, Jonathan was struck by the impact of obesity and as an aspiring paediatrician, Jonathan was particularly moved by the fact that one in six British children are now obese. Currently, one in four British adults are obese and morbid obesity levels have more than tripled in the last 30 years. Speaking about the issue, Jonathan said: “Obesity in the UK is killing millions and costing billions. The serious impact of obesity and obesity-induced disease upon the physical and psychological health of millions of patients in the UK is immense. The pressure this places upon our NHS, whose resources are already limited, is unsustainable.”

Since 2015, Jonathan has devoted much of his personal time to campaigning for Obesity Action Campaign and on 22 September, Jonathan and his father, Simon, will be walking 84 miles non-stop across the length of Hadrian’s Wall to raise awareness about the vital importance of maintaining adequate levels of physical activity and to raise money for Obesity Action Campaign.

If you would like to follow their training or get involved you can follow them on Facebook, Twitter or make a donation via their giving page. Any support or donation would be greatly appreciated.